🚩 Report: Not working

by bgonani1 - opened

Not working

Yup. I got it to work 4 times out of like 20 attempts, and now it won't work at all. weird.

🧨Diffusers org HF Staff

You tried with 20 different seeds or the application didn't work 16 times in the first place?

20 different seeds. Tried it again just now. The only time it works is on your park bench photo (but only in the middle of the bench, not the side)... and SOMETIMES on the bald guy (but just his face, not the space behind him). I've tried several pictures of my own, and several others of yours, but haven't been able to get any of them to work. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Still an interesting app, though. At least it works a little... every other free inpainting app I've tried doesn't seem to work at all. Thank you for your efforts.

🧨Diffusers org HF Staff


@OzzyGT here too.

HF Staff

this example depends a lot on the prompt and the mask, for example, with this mask and this prompt it works:


but if you make a mask that doesn't let the model inpaint the sunglasses, it doesn't work:


So probably the only way to help you know if you're doing something wrong is to letting us know what are you're trying to do, your prompt and the mask you draw

HF Staff
edited May 21

Another example:


Also I forgot before, if what you're trying to do is to change the background of the image, I consider that outpainting and this example space is not for that. Inpainting is usually adding or changing details, not creating entire backgrounds.

For example, the only way with this example to create a background with a simple color background is to set the strenght to 1.0:


But with this, the model overrides entirely the image so is not pretty, there are techniques for doing this but are not implemented in this demo.


@OzzyGT here too.

hi, I want to report that :

sdxl-to-diffusers space cannot use


I report this problem for a month
but no one reply me 🥲

please help me.

HF Staff

oh ok, let me test it and I'll reply in your original issue

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