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posted an update 15 days ago
🔥 Dataset Viber 0.3 launches with Synthesizer to synthesise data with a human in the loop, for free, using open source models with Argilla's distilabel but within a quick-and-easy Gradio Interface.

Why? Not trying to be all fancy and formal just to iterate on your data and to get familiar with your prompts and the produced data. Under the hood, it relies on Hugging Face Inference endpoints and the latest LLMs and VLMs like Meta Llama 3.1 and BlackForest Labs Flux models.

An addition to the other Interfaces that are already support.
- CollectorInterface: Lazily collect data of model interactions without human annotation.
- AnnotatorInterface: Walk through your data and annotate it with models in the loop.
- Synthesizer: Synthesize data with distilabel in the loop.
- BulkInterface: Explore your data distribution and annotate in bulk.

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