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posted an update Jan 12
🤦🏻‍♂️well, day before yesterday i was so happy about **gpuzero** that i made a bunch of demos :

- one for YI-200K , but it actually doesnt quite fit on a GPUZero... U_U
- one for SDXL style align, but omg i didnt even realize at the time it wasnt my demo of it (lol)
- one for texify (which works great btw, keep an eye on texify, it's about to blow up... in a couple of months!)

so yeah, i ran back and tried to get my demos working at least for sdxl which i love , but i simply couldnt get the CPU stuff working, or the refactored code working. no wonder i was thinking "wow this is so easy" on @osanseviero 's demo : yeah , it's not my code that's why it works 😅🙏🏻

anyway spent the day unsuccessfully experimenting, but starting tomorrow i'll try to serve some cool and overlooked models so 🤗huggingface appreciators can try them out 🚀

Hey @Tonic you can actually give link to your Spaces here and only the slugs will show up which is a cool formatting feature here 😊

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